Recently I watched the PBS Special Documentary, "Over 90 & Loving It" and one thing became clear. The people in their 9th decade of life were active and many of them were continuing to work. My Mom is 73 and consults in the health information management field. She is even going back to school to take a course to become a certified trainer for electronic health record implementation!! One of the family practitioners I call on is celebrating his 81st birthday this year. Would you see a physician in his or her 80s?
I became fascinated with the prospect of how old is too old? Certainly, we don’t find many 90-year-olds working in Corporate America. However, there are family-owned and smaller firms that will allow people to work as long as they are productive.
- What are your thoughts on the subject?
- Are there benefits or downsides for the co-workers? The company?
- How old is the oldest worker in your organization and what is their role?
Here’s the link to the PBS special.